马来西亚的宽频上网 ADSL 和光纤 fibre-optic

Written on July 19, 2007 by KennyP

我们马来西亚的网民主要以两种连线方式上网,就是以前的窄频 56K 和现在的宽频 ADSL ,两者都是通过电话线拨号连接。

除了 ADSL 根本上的技术性限制,我觉得马来西亚的 ADSL 一直徘徊在 1 Mbps 和 2 Mbps 的主要原因是我们陈旧的电话线,这些已经埋在地方已经 20 、 30 年的铜线已经没办法负荷 ADSL 所需的频宽流量。

Streamyx 是马来西亚垄断的宽频服务商,是绝大部分马来西亚公民唯一而痛苦的上网选择。我经常帮助我身边的亲朋戚友看电脑,最常碰到的问题就是上网,所以我有很多机会看到 Streamyx 在很多地方的问题连线。

据我的观察,我发现一些比较老旧住宅区的 Streamyx 连线比较容易出问题,而且通常可以得到的连线速度非常一般,很多时候低过一般,就连签购的速度都拿不到,我本身就是;一些新建的住宅区就完全相反,他们的连线速度一般可以达到极限。

有几次我到朋友家帮助他们设定路由器( router )连线上网,我看到他们户口的速度上限高过他们签购的,马上用他的连线测试下载速度,发现他们的速度可以达到 2 、 3 倍多。

从以上的经验我推论,马来西亚的 ADSL 连线上网速度主要受限于电话铜线,大部分地区的地下铜线已经老化,导致用这些老铜线来上网的 ADSL 最高的速度只能维持在 1 到 2 Mbps 左右,再高就会频繁断线。更有些地区连 1 Mbps 都达不到,但 TMnet Streamyx 依然让当地的居民签购 1 Mbps 的配套,导致他们在 1 Mbps 连线的时候不停断线。

所以我们的问题是连线的线路,如果想达到 ADSL 技术的速度极限,我们需要质量优良的铜线,而如果想超越 ADSL 技术极限,我们不能再依靠电话钱来连线。可是无论更换线路或铺新线路都是大工程,这让我一直担心马来西亚的上网速度会停滞不前,幸好 TMnet Streamyx 的母公司 TM ( Telekom Malaysia ) 开始有动静了。

我刚才在 LiewCF 看到一则来自 The Star 的新闻报导《 Super fast Net access with fibre-optic service 》,新闻讲述 TM 正测试 FTTB ( fibre-to-the-home )的 100 Mbps 光纤连线,报导里没有提到 Telekom 测试光纤连线的结果。

TM CEO Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa 在文中说到,他们将在明年 2008 年第 3 季开始推出光纤上网服务,首推的速度是 10 Mbps ,日后会增加。他补充,光纤可能需要 2 到 3 年的时间才能在马来西亚普及。

这真是令我兴奋的消息,我现在的 ADSL 连线连签购的速度 1 Mbps 都没办法达到,我期待光纤连线来到我家的一天,可是不要像 4 Mbps Streamyx 新配套那样令人失望。

相关链接: • LiewCF: TM reveals fibre-optic   • The Star: Super fast Net access with fibre-optic service   • 令人失望的 Streamyx 4 Mbps

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  • 5 Responses to “马来西亚的宽频上网 ADSL 和光纤 fibre-optic”

    1. bpchia said:




    2. KennyP said:

      bpchia 你好,日本、香港、台湾、中国等地都做到了,我想就马来西亚的主要城市来说还是可以的。我认为无线上网在稳定性和速度上怎么都比不上有线连线。

    3. RAPHAEL said:


    4. YF said:



    5. PL said:

      Talking about old copper lines, in the United Kingdom (where I have been studying and working, living for the past 7 years) most of the copper wires have been burried in the ground for even longer time and guess what???? I was able to get 4Mbps without any problem. If I live near the exchange (which I did for 2 years) I can get 8Mbps service with no problem. Rainy days, no problem. Gail force wind (wind speed > 80mph) no problem.

      Compare to the service I am getting from this evil duo (TMNet + Streamyx) there are problem after problem. I just don’t understand where the money has gone, the money we paid them for far too long while they are the only choice we can have.

      @bpchia: Talking about fibre optics being expansive, how about you go figure how much money has been missing, misplaced, wild and irresponsible spending that doesn’t do us any good kinda spending from the public funds and subscriptions paid to this monopoly. Then maybe you will agreed that we should have at lease fiber optics in all the major cities, fiber optics or high bandwidth radio links (for remote regions) linking minor cities to regional hubs etc…. Then maybe you should know that ADSL was designed originally to be capable of doing 40mbps and now extensions has been designed and specified to allow it to do even higher speed. Then maybe after all that I hope you should know why we are 5 to 7 years behind all the developed countries in the world.

      I think enough has been said and I would only hope that if we all have the determination of dealing with drug traffic-ing on corruption and proper handling of public funds and resource then maybe something will happen, but then it is just too many MAYBEs…..

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