麻坡人的心声故事— 麻坡人的华语 我的朋友

Written on April 22, 2007 by KennyP

我时常在 Youtube 上看到很多来自欧美和中港台的有趣视频,实在佩服他们的创意,其实原来马来西亚也有这方面的杰出人才。



可能有些非本地人不懂,我在这里讲一下。麻坡是个坐落在马来西亚柔佛州的城市,麻坡是马来语 Muar 的译音词,意思是河口。





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《我的朋友 My Friends Kawanku 》


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网友 ahbean82 这样解释这段视频:







Popularity: 35% [?]


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  • 18 Responses to “麻坡人的心声故事— 麻坡人的华语 我的朋友”

    1. siongkoon said:

      Hey, r intention of opening this blog is very interesting. I have thought of this too, few of my friends also started putting advertisement in their blogs, I think they have a daily traffic exceeding 50 clicks.

      but what I wanna say is how many ppl will read a technology blog in chinese? this is also m’sia tim,
      if you target a bigger market, you should tap into the chinese market, that is for chinese blogs. In m’sia,
      Chinese blogs can’t get popular so fast, as english is dominating. but if u use english as the medium, u can get popular quite fast, by using sites such as DIGG. I know a living example where a m’sian used digg.com.my as a platform and his blog gain popularity very fast, over 100 clicks per day. If i’m not wrong , the address should be http://tenthofmarch.com/.

      add me in msn, then we can have a further chat. I’m quite interested in this topic too.

      Sorry becoz this comment is quite irrelevant to r post.wahaha.

    2. KennyP said:

      Hello siongkoon,

      Don’t worry, I did a lot of research before I started to do this kind of things, my purpose to open this blog is written on my earliest posts of this blog, I’m just trying and doing experiment, I know chinese market is still not mature and I can’t earn as much as what I do the same on English blog. You can get some related information by reading my posts, please click into the category, 网络赚钱 on the right side of this page.

      Can I have your msn address? You can also add me at [email protected]

      Glad to see you here.


    3. TenthOfMarch said:

      Hi guys. siongkoon, thanks for mentioning me.

      Just to clear things up. I did use digg.com.my to ‘advertise’ or ‘publicize’ my blog. But the traffic that comes from digg.com.my is very little. In fact, I can say it is not much.

      Most of my traffic comes from petalingstreet.org, technorati.com, blogtitude, Google, and links from other blogs.

      Sorry, I can’t read chinese, so I can’t comment much about your blog :) Chinese technology blog would be good, because it’s ‘different’ and has its own ‘niche’. But you need to remember, once you use chinese, you will lose the readers who can’t read chinese.

      Just my opinion. Have a nice day. :-)

    4. KennyP said:

      Hello TenthOfMarch,

      Wow, how do you know we are talking tales about you here, are you spying around here? haha, just kidding.

      I know the traffic from Digg front page is very very huge and can even break down your server, I mean digg.com, not that clone digg.

      Since this is a chinese blog, I lose the advantage to use the same method you use to promote my blog, I need to explore some new ways myself. At the same time, like what you say, I don’t have much readers like English blog. :(

      Thanks for your coming and leaving me some great opinions. :D


    5. TenthOfMarch said:


      LOL. I have spies, and bugs installed all over the blogosphere. I know everything that is happening, some even before it happens. Hahaha….okok…jokes only.

      I use statcounter to track my visitors. I checked, you are using it as well, true? So I noticed someone who came into my blog from your post (referral link)…that’s how I found your blog :-)

      Yup. If you ever get on the front page of digg.com, chances are your server might not hold it. There’s a WordPress plugin, WP Cache 2.1.1. With it, the server load can be reduced. I tried installing it on my computer but are having some problems with it. I’ll post up a tutorial on how to install it once I found a solution to it.

      It’s good what you are doing — creating a blog for chinese readers. Maybe you can find some tools, or online tools that can easily translate your blog content to english? I think I saw some blogs have it. They use it to translate from English to a few other languages. Try googling for it. With it, those non-chinese readers can translate your blog into English before reading.

      Anyway, all the best! Happy blogging. :-)

    6. KennyP said:

      Hello TenthOfMarch,

      Haha, thanks for your suggestions. I tried the machine tranlation but it is not perfect, most of the translated sentences are very weird, I am trying to see how, maybe I just apply it, don’t care about the quality of translation.

      Thanks again for your comments.


    7. liciece said:


    8. KennyP said:

      liciece 你好,





    9. KANGOL said:


    10. KennyP said:

      KANGOL 你好,我认为马来西亚有些大专院校的某些科系的确可以媲美全世界,最重要的是与其他国家相比,马来西亚的物价低廉,学费和生活费可以节省非常非常多,不过要是真的打算到马来西亚深造,一定要做好功课选对学校和科系,因为老实说,不好的学校比好的学校多太多了。

    11. KANGOL said:


    12. KANGOL said:

      我MSN [email protected]

    13. KennyP said:

      KANGOL 你好,其实我是本站站长和部落客,我现在不在家里,不能使用 MSN ,不过你可以先加入我,我的地址是 [email protected]

    14. 偶是麻坡人 said:


    15. KennyP said:

      偶是麻坡人你好,谢谢你的支持,谢谢你的光临。 :D

    16. 闽南人 said:


    17. 蝦米 said:


    18. KennyP said:

      我想源自福建闽南的台语和闽南本土说话方式相似,是可以被理解的,其实马来西亚的上一代福建人也同样是说“3 个字”。 :D

      欢迎你来到 KennyP.cn 。

      我没有听过耶。 :(

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